Bradford Medical Supply Rents and Sells NATIONWIDE! - 877 580-5757
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SPIRIT® KNEE & LEG WALKER - THE CRUTCH ALTERNATIVE - KNEE & LEG WALKER - A crutch alternative for patients who either cannot or choose not to use crutches. Perfect for patients who are recovering from either foot or ankle issues.
FREE SPIRIT® KNEE & LEG WALKER - Those who have lost the ability to walk due to a lower leg injury benefit greatly from the SAFETY, STABILITY and COMFORT of crutch alternatives.

Bradford will respond quickly to help you and your family select the correct standard hospital bed equipment. Bradford will help you assess your primary hospital bed requirements and will respond quickly to help you and your family select the right hospital bed equipment. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us toll free at 1 877 580-5757.

For a detailed discussion regarding the basics of buying and renting luxury and hospital beds click on the following links that take you to bmsblog.com Also, for an in depth discussion of Hospital and Luxury Bed Rental and Buying Guide.